Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A little more about me

For those of you that don't know me personally, I'm originally from Iowa City and graduated from St. Ambrose University. Our family lived in the QCA for about 6 years after college. We moved back to the Iowa City area for just over 3 years and now we're back. We just moved to Eldridge in February.
I am a wife and a mother of 2 amazing daughters and that's how my photography got started. I'd just like to say that I'm not what I would consider a 'professional photographer'. I am a fun-loving and creative person. I got started taking better quality photos after I got a fancy DSL camera when my second daughter was born and was just taking photos of our family. But then I got sick of paying $250+ for each photography session and decided I could try it myself. So I took a photography class and LOVED it! I started my taking my daughters milestone pictures. I was pleased with the results. (I've posted those in earlier blog posts)

These photos here are ones I took while I was taking the photography class. I was just trying to capture the light in my daughters eyes. I love working outside and do so whenever possible. I am working on my natural light studio in my home now. Hoping we don't have to use it until the weather gets cold again! I'm running a spring special right now: A 1 hour outdoor or on-site session for $100, this includes all images on a cd and 20 of your favorites edited.

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